What the hell is cuffing season?

Yes, “cuffing season” is a real thing

Should you avoid cuffing season?

The answer to this question is probably. Cuffing season is pretty cynical at best, but the real problem is that you’re overthinking it. If you put this much thought into finding a temporary partner for the cold months, then your priorities are probably out of whack.

By all means keep an eye out for hookups and make the most of staying indoors when you can. But going out of your way to find someone who fits into such a narrow category seems like you’re putting your energy into something which has every likelihood of blowing up in your face anyway.

It’s not easy to keep two people on the same casual page for long, although if you can manage to do it successfully, more power to you. We suggest it’s more advisable spending the time being comfortable with yourself. It’ll make you better company come winter, spring, summer or fall.

If you want to read similar articles to What Does Cuffing Season Mean?, we recommend you visit our Sentimental relationships category.


What makes a cuffed relationship different?

I think the best way to explain what makes cuffing different from your typical relationship can be summed up in one word: intentions.

When you enter into a typical, non-cuffed relationship with someone who calls you their girlfriend or boyfriend, the two of you hope and expect you will grow together in your relationship over time.

Cuffing each other might mean an increased level of commitment between partners, but it by no means indicates either person has the intention of the relationship getting serious or lasting past the end of cuffing season.

That doesn’t mean relationships based on cuffing aren’t a bad thing — as long as you’re both on the same page about where you’re headed.

Photo: Getty

Cuffing isn’t the same as dating, nor is it like hooking up. Dating is sort of like auditioning someone to be your future partner, and hooking up is, well, you know — short-term enjoyment without commitment.

Cuffing is something between those two. It’s a relationship, just short-term.

To help you out, we have a few tips on how to cuff in a productive, ethical manner.

Быстрее света

5 научно-фантастических способов путешествовать в космосе и реальные теории, лежащие в их основе.

Как Дуглас Адамс написал в своей книге «Автостопом по галактике» — космос огромен. То есть он действительно огромен. Альфа Центавра — ближайшая к нам звездная система, находится на расстоянии более чем 4 световых лет от нас.

Даже при использовании самых современных технологий для достижения Альфы Центавра, в теории, потребуется не менее столетия. У нас нет космического корабля, который может двигаться быстрее скорости света; самая большая скорость, которую мы теоретически можем развить с использованием ядерной энергии, составляет 4,5% от скорости света. Скажем так, вам понадобится запастись большим количеством аудиокниг и сериалов, чтобы скоротать время в таком путешествии.

Итак, мы еще не преодолели рубеж скорости света. Но писатели-фантасты уже сделали это.

В жанре фантастики полно примеров звездолетов, которые могут пронизывать космос со скоростями, которые делают межзвездные перелёты весьма удобными. Некоторые авторы объясняют свои вымышленные технологии, опираясь на настоящую науку и научные принципы. Другие же не сильно заморачиваются такими деталями.

Ниже рассмотрим некоторые из самых популярных вымышленных способов межзвёздных (сверхсветовых) путешествий, и как их можно оценить с точки зрения реализма.

What’s The Cuffing Season Schedule?

There’s no hard and fast timeline here, but generally, couples hook up during the cuffing season based on an understanding that their relationship is only temporary. They get together before Thanksgiving in October and generally break up by February unless they fall deeply in love in those months and decide to stay together after Valentine’s day too.

Part of the reason behind this cuffing season schedule is, of course, the cold. You want to be in proximity to another person in the winter season because of the low temperatures, cuddle with them, or have sex. And cuffing fulfills that criteria perfectly. Also, winter is generally a gloomy time. And so we tend to feel more in need of human companionship. Cuffing helps in that aspect as well.

Of course, if you’re doing cuffing season in somewhere like Australia, you’ll be getting together during a chilly March wind, maybe around Easter, and fading things out in September. Once again, the cuffing season schedule is all about the cold weather, but the length of the feelings depends on you.

What is cuffing season?

Cuffing season is the time of year when the summer fun starts to dwindle, but none of the sunshine flings (or attempted relationships) have been worthy of keeping on into the colder months. You are still single, but you don’t want to stay alone. It doesn’t mean you are looking for a relationship, just companionship. This is why standards tend to drop as quickly as the temperature.

For cuffing season, you aren’t looking for the love of your life. You won’t be investing emotion into this prolonged hookup. One of the problems is that, while this might be the case for you, your hookupee might not see it the same way. If you’re reading this you probably wondered what cuffing season meant in the first place, so it’s not always reasonable to expect the person you’re getting with knows your intentions.

It’s called cuffing season, not hand holding season. Apart from this being a much less catchy name, it’s because it involves locking someone down. Cuffing is most often for police offers and bedroom adventurers. In this case it means to keep someone to yourself until you are done with them. You have the key and, while it might be mutually beneficial, the power dynamic is firmly in your favor.

Of course, even though you may not be expecting anything to happen, it’s always possible it will. Maybe the time you spend with this person actually brings you together for something more meaningful. Maybe you were just kidding yourself about cuffing season, so you tricked yourself into believing you wanted something casual when really you were looking for something more. Maybe you have been so worn down by unfortunate romantic circumstance that you give in to your desperate need to be accepted and take this coupling of convenience to the next level, only to regret it fifteen years and two kids later when you have a better grasp of yourself, realizing you were never compatible in the first place and resulting in a messy divorce which acts as a permanent reminder of all those bad decisions you are so good at making. Who knows? The world is full of possibilities.

What Is Cuffing Season?

Well, we’ve already discussed the reason behind your strange behavior, it’s time to find the answer to the question, «What is cuffing season?» In a nutshell, it’s that time of the year when the leaves start falling, it’s getting colder, and you start listening to cheesy love songs, and while generally, you are okay with being single, you feel a desperate need for the partner during this period. So, all in all, it’s time when everyone, no matter how promiscuous they are, starts looking for a partner to spend the cold nights with.

Definition and Meaning of Cuffing Season

While we’ve described what this season is, you may still feel the need to define the cuffing season. Well, if we check with Urban Dictionary, we may find the next definition, «A period of time during the fall and winter nights when independence and one-night stand aficionados feel the need, like the rest of the world, to be tied down by a romantic relationship.» Tied down or literally cuffed by a serious relationship.

So, when does the cuffing season start, and how does it work? While you may start thinking of making some cuffing season calendar, there’s no need in it. The season starts as soon as it gets cold, and you try to get yourself busy with indoor activities. Yep, it gets cold, and we get lazy and scared stiff of the idea of going out for a long time. No more going to parties where you can look for casual hookups, and thus, you start looking for someone you can spend cold months with. Well, now you know cuffing season meaning.

Cuffing Season Behaviour

As the cuffing season starts, you may start noticing changes in your behavior. You start being more open with your prospective dates. While in spring and summer, you developed the mode where you just pretend to be listening to what your hookup partners say, but now you find yourself actually listening to them. And why is that? Because your perception changes and you start thinking of them as of your potential partners, rather than merely one night stands. But is there an explanation for this phenomenon? It’s hard to believe that love is in the air during cold months of fall and winter.

There are a few vague explanations of behavior changes during the cuffing season. According to one theory, the reason lies in the fact that the cuffing season coincides with the holiday season. Thus, we are more generous than usual and start considering doing things we’ve never done previously. The other theory states that because of the cold weather, we are more inclined to search for the stable warmth that steady relationships can bring. There is also a third theory according to which cuffing season is the result of a psychological sense of desperation during the cold period of the year that dates back to times when we were Pithecanthropus erectus. Which of those theories is true? There is no exact explanation, but you can pick the one you like better.

How To Cuff

1. Use dating apps to find a cuffing partner.

Yes, you can join OKCupid, Tinder, Hinge, Bumble and/or Match to find someone to cuff with.

In your profile, be sure to state clearly that you’re looking for someone to hang out with, snuggle with, watch Netflix with, and maybe even kiss on New Year’s Eve so potential matches know what you’re looking for.

You can even write «I’m looking for someone to chill with for cuffing season» and see what happens!

Be sure to post a photo of you living your best hygge life to attract just the right cozy partner.

2. Find a willing friend with benefits (FWB) to cuddle up with.

Most of us have that one friend we can lean on, hug tighter and longer than we do our other friends. You may even have already considered kissing yours. Sounds like the perfect cuffing season FWB!

Photo: Getty

Invite them over to binge a season of some new show and propose taking your friendship up a notch. Just be sure to explain what you’re expecting and for how long.

Keep it no- or low-pressure and tell them that your friendship can remain exactly the same if they’re not into your plan (and then follow through with that, no weirdness, please!).

Keep the lines of communication open throughout cuffing season, talking about any changed expectations for the future as they arise so no one gets hurt.

3. Ask friends to set you up.

Tell your friends and sympathetic family members about your desire to find a cuffing season mate and ask them to keep an eye out for you.

Set-ups can be hard because when things get awkward we tend to blame the people who introduced us. Don’t do that.

Be respectful to anyone you’re set up with, even if they’re not right for you. You are under no obligation to hook up or even snuggle with them, but you do need to be kind (as long as they’re kind to you).

4. Be honest.

No matter how you meet your cuffing season snuggle partner, you need to be honest about what you want.

Photo: Getty

Tell your potential partner what you want: cozy hookups, casual wintertime dating, or a relationship that could potentially develop into something more.

Then ask what they want to make sure you’re on the same page.

People who pair up during this time of year can be a lot like pigeons under a highway during the snowiest months. It doesn’t really matter if they like each other, as long as they’re next to another warm body and can agree to do what it takes to keep each other warm until ice thaws.

This worries Cocharo, who says, «I suppose you could fall in love while cuffing and live happily ever after, but it could end with you feeling depressed and more lonely than ever.»

That said, it’s not impossible for a relationship born during cuffing season to withstand the test of time.

Преимущества и недостатки свиданий во время зимней связи

Вы сами лучше всего знаете свои потребности, поэтому только вы можете решить, участвовать ли в настоящем сезоне объятий осенью и зимой.

Вот некоторые плюсы и минусы, которые стоит учесть.

1. Это приятно

Если вам нравятся летние романы, вам понравится иметь зимнего приятеля для объятий. Иметь компанию в холодные месяцы — это отличный способ скоротать время.

2. Это занимает вас зимой

Больше не нужно смотреть сериалы в одиночестве. Если вы участвуете в сезоне, вы можете укутаться под одеялом с вашим временным избранником и наслаждаться просмотром Netflix до упаду. Кроме того, согласно этому расписанию, у вас всегда будет партнер для зимних мероприятий.

3. Это забавный способ познакомиться с кем-то новым

Следуя этому календарю, вы открываете себя для возможностей, о которых вы, возможно, никогда не задумывались, если бы искали долгосрочные отношения.

1. Это эгоцентрично

Как и свидания после разрыва, зимняя связь — это движение «я в первую очередь». В этом сезоне вы приоритетно учитываете свои собственные потребности и устанавливаете правила для отношений соответствующим образом.

2. Это исключает обязательства

Правила сезона указывают, что ваша зимняя связь не продлится в долгосрочной перспективе. В зависимости от того, что вы ищете, это может быть как плюсом, так и минусом.

3. Увеличенные обязанности с минимальной наградой

Участвуя в сезоне «застежек» во время праздничного сезона, вы автоматически соглашаетесь участвовать в семейных сборах, покупке подарков и празднованиях. Это включает все обязанности настоящих отношений без многих преимуществ, которые обычно сопровождают их.

Cuffing Season Explained

Even Cavemen Cuffed

People today are much like their cave-dwelling forefathers. When the days get shorter in the fall and winter, we spend more time indoors doing tasks that require little energy so we can conserve heat. When we go out less, our *ahem* natural desires must be pursued in the comfort of our caves.

In the 1800s, people living in cold climates like Siberia or the French Alps would essentially hibernate with their farm animals during the winter. But don’t ever explain to your cuffing-mate that they’re a modern-day Alps pig.

Puffy Jackets Are Sexier Than Swimsuits

A 2008 study of a group of heterosexual men showed they were most attracted to women in the winter. Surprisingly, the season for bikinis and short-shorts produced the lowest amount of attraction. Researchers said this is likely caused by the “contrast effect,” when “more frequent exposure to women’s bodies in warmer seasons might increase men’s attractiveness criteria for women’s body shape and breasts.” Meaning more clothes = more left to the imagination = more attraction.

Justin Follis

Dating app Hinge verified this tidbit. The brand’s data shows men are 15% more likely to seek out women in the winter.

When You’re Cold, You’re Lonely

A theory called “embodied cognition” has been proven in 2008* and 2012** by researchers who were able to show that outside temperatures directly affect our internal sentiments. One study found that feeling temporally cold produced feelings of being alone and isolated. Another study took this a step farther to prove that physical coldness made its subjects more likely to want to watch a romantic movie. (For us, romantic movies only go as far as classic Westerns. Sorry, not sorry.)

The simple equation is that cold weather leads to a need for body warmth.

Прыжковые двигатели

Хотя гиперпространство и варп-двигатели описывают способы перемещения со сверхсветовой скоростью, всё же перемещение с их помощью занимает какое-то время. Хан Соло, Люк и Оби-Ван успели потусоваться и поболтать о Силе, прежде чем они прибыли в Альдераан.

Но что, если бы вы могли попасть туда мгновенно, избегая того, что Дуглас Адамс назвал «всей этой нудной вознёй с гиперпространством»?

Прыжковые двигатели в «Звёздном крейсере «Галактика»» сделали возможной практически мгновенную межзвездную телепортацию. И человеческие корабли, и их сайлонские аналоги, использовали сверхсветовые двигатели. Было сказано, что человеческие корабли оснащены очищенным тилиумом — невероятно редкой породой, в 10 миллионов раз более энергоёмкой, чем бензин. Также было сказано, что, когда корабль совершает прыжок, он деформирует пространство вокруг себя и, таким образом, может повредить близлежащие суда.

Как и в случае с гиперпространством, прыжковые двигатели, по-видимому, требуют сложных вычислений до и во время прыжка, чтобы избежать риска того, что корабль материализуется слишком близко к атмосфере планеты — или даже внутри самой планеты.

Мгновенная телепортация — удобный приём в научно-фантастических произведениях; она также используется в «Звездном пути» чтобы перебрасывать людей между кораблями и планетами, находящимися под ними. Но имеет ли он хоть какое-то научное обоснование?

Краткий ответ: возможно.

Квантовая запутанность — явление, при котором группы частиц ведут себя одинаково, даже если их разделяет огромное расстояние. Эйнштейн назвал это «жутким взаимодействием на расстоянии». Писательница Урсула Крёбер Ле Гуин использовала эту идею, чтобы придумать вымышленное устройство, называемое «ансибл», которое могло мгновенно сообщаться с другими ансиблами, независимо от того, в каком месте Вселенной они находятся.

Теоретически вы можете «телепортировать» корабль или человека с использованием такого типа технологий, хотя это всё становится еще более сложным. Вы должны будете «записать» квантовую информацию всех частиц в начальной точке, и перенести её на частицы в конечной точке. Это избавит вас от проблемы, вызванной другими видами вымышленной телепортации, а именно — вам не придется убивать оригинальную версию или создавать клон себя каждый раз, когда вы телепортируетесь.

В данный момент — явление, которое мы можем наблюдать в чрезвычайно малых масштабах. Мы ещё очень далеки от телепортации людей или переноса кораблей в пространстве.

Рейтинг реализма: 2/5. Мгновенная телепортация в любое место Галактики? Вероятно, она не станет реальностью ещё очень долгое время.

Should You Cuff?

If you’re the type of person who loves being single then it must be a real shock to the system to suddenly want to stay home all night and cuddle. The big question is: what do you do when the sun thaws us out and we find ourselves “stuck” with the person we’ve been with for months?

“The danger of extending hookups is that they might not have enough context or back bone to turn into something trustworthy and loving, which then becomes part of the cuffing story, that relationships are limiting—like handcuffs—and ultimately not rewarding,” says Strgar. Regardless of it seeming like a trend we’ll get over, this is just how some people find relationships.

“It’s something everyone does and it’s simply human nature,” Sullivan, who simply recognizes cuffing season as a way of life. “Most births occur in September, nine months after January’s brutal temperatures, because it keeps couples locked indoors. Cuffing season technically existed before the current hook-up culture we live in and it still exists everywhere.”

Strgar agrees with the opinion and offers the idea of a possible solution.

“Calling this desire to couple and become part of something bigger is a millennial trend, but the need and desire to belong to someone and feel held in a relationship is innately human and has always been so. It is interesting how it has turned into a reflection of a phobia to relationship.”

Where does that leave those in mid-cuff? Like Sullivan says, there are positive ways to look at it that go hand-in-hand with the negative. Maybe your “part-time significant other” is nothing more than a product of the environment, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up and go with the motions.

“It would be nice if more positive language about the gifts and challenges of building a relationship was part of the discussion,” continues Sullivan. “Then people might have a fighting chance at making it work into summer.”

Whether you’ve found yourself in a now-dedicated relationship because you’re too cold to go outside or have upped the ante with your one-Tinder date because you actually like them, the point is that you need to talk to them to find out if you’re on the same page. Maybe you’re both in this for the long haul and want to bring what you have into summer—when hookup season begins—or maybe you want to kill it before you accidentally end up with a cuff baby.

Regardless of how you feel, talk to your partner and figure it out — there will be plenty of winters and summers in the future.

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Why Sometimes Cuffing Season Can Be a Nightmare?

As we’ve already assumed that cuffing season is a period of time when stubborn singles and promiscuous people start exhibiting behavior, which is quite atypical for them. What can possibly go wrong? It’s just like that every romantic movie when a party queen or a heartbreaker all of a sudden decides to settle down with the least likely match. The problem is that such scenarios work perfectly on screen and on paper, but in real life, you may face a lot of problems during the cuffing season. So, let’s discuss how cuffing can turn into a real nightmare.


Regardless of what brought you together – true romance or a cuffing season – whenever you are together, it means that you need to share your life with that person. It means that you need to take into account their feelings, opinions, tastes, and interests. Moreover, any kind of relationship requires investments of time and feelings. You spend your time with that person, you invest yourself into that small bond that originated from both not wanting to be single. That’s okay, you are alright with everything. Spending Christmas eve at your cuff-buddy’s parents? Well, why not? What can possibly go wrong? Isn’t that what couples do? Well, that’s where you are running into problems.

You may not turn out as a couple. You have responsibilities, and you’ve already invested your time into your bond, and what if that’s all in vain? What if all of that ends when the cuffing season is over? That’s when the cuffing season starts turning into a paranoid nightmare. You just sit and wait till its end to find out whether you are going to be together by early March. You are constantly piercing between the breaking your bond with your cuff-buddy to end it all right now and the desire to propose to them, so your cuffing season doesn’t have to end. That’s why you shouldn’t forget about the dos and don ts of the cuffing season.

It’s Hard to Be Single at That Period

Well, that’s the reason for bonding, isn’t it? Yes, but that’s also a root of the nightmare your cuffing season may turn into. The idea that you may stay single during those cold winter months is so frightening, that you are eager to bond with anyone, despite all the warnings that you shouldn’t be overly picky, you shouldn’t stick with just anyone either. And in the end, you find yourself spending six months with someone, who you don’t like. Someone, who you don’t find even merely attractive or interesting. Needless to say that your cuffing season will turn into six months of pure torture for you.

The fear of being single may turn into a nightmare the other way. You may start stalking your prospective cuff-buddy, forcing them to cuff with you. Aside from the fact that you may end up spending the cuffing season on your own, you can easily get labeled as a psychotic stalker among your acquaintances for quite a long time. Thus, you need to remember that while it’s hard to be single during cuffing season, it’s not an excuse to lose your mind.

Signs to know you’re cuffed up

Cuffers are never serious about their relationships. They’re in for warmth and taken relationship status. They’ll never feed your emotional hunger.

If you don’t wanna be cuffed, but suspect you’re in one… time to make sure before accusing them. 

Let’s check the basic signs here…

1. All plans are short-term

Did you and your partner plan any vacation or dates? How far did you plan it? Do all of them last until Valentine’s or spring?

Well, that’s a clear indication… there’s no future to your relationship beyond spring. In long-term relationships, people might not plan a year ahead… but they have long-term goals in mind.

2. You have the same ol’ date nights

How frequently do you go out on dates? If you don’t, then do you have indoor date nights? Well, sounds cozy, but why?

People usually go out lots during the beginning of a relationship. There might be two reasons – they don’t want to introduce you to a close one, or they’re only there for the warmth.

3. You began dating too fast

How did the relationship take off? Did you take your time knowing each other? Or, did it happen instantly? There’s urgency in cuffing relationships.

Around the winter months,  people have a strong desire to be cuffed. So, if your date jumped out of the dating app too soon, you’re possibly in a cuffing relationship.

4. They planned holidays on the first date

What do you guys usually talk about? Did they specifically focus on the family gatherings? Doesn’t sound bad, but a family introduction for a new date… is that normal?

After all, the entire extended family will be present at the parties… What’s the hurry with the big intro? Perhaps, they feel ashamed to show up single… and that’s why they hooked up with you.

5. There are no stags around

Does your partner have any single friends? If not, then that’s your red flag. They feel uncomfortable in a group of committed people.

You were probably their last resort to save themselves the awkwardness. And pretty sure, they’ll not need you anymore once the party season’s over.

6. Your age-old friend is an admirer

Are you dating an old friend? Surely, it feels more believable because they knew you… sounds romantic, right? But did you ever get any signs about it?

If they never showed any signs of being in love, that has to be fake… they’re a cuffing season prey too. Probably they aren’t aware of their feelings.

7. They mark their territory

Does your house feel like your partner’s den? Did they already occupy your cupboard’s corner? Think they wanna move in? Not really… they just wanna stay over.

Just like hibernating animals staying asleep through the winter… they want to avoid stepping out and get more warmth from you.

8. There’s no emotional intimacy

How intimate are you guys? Do they prefer to avoid deep topics, like their dreams or past?

Did they ever talk about anything other than winter plans? Will you define them as emotionally unavailable?

Lack of intimacy in a winter-borne relationship is another alarming sign. They’re conscious about their needs… only warmth and sexual intimacy. Emotional intimacy isn’t their goal!

9. They almost ghosted you

Did they ever vanish into thin air? For instance, you guys were so into the conversation… but then for weeks, you don’t see a reply.

Possibly they returned around the colder time of the year?

If your partner confessed before or during winter after long ghosting… that speaks enough about their intentions. Expect another ghosting in spring.

10. They only have winter baes

Do you know about your partner’s ex? How long did their past relationships last?

If your partner is a pro cuff, they’ll have a pattern of relationships in the colder time of year. 

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How Do You Cuff?

It’s actually way easy to cuff with someone. It’s about as easy as hooking up, but simply requires a bit more maintenance to keep the relationship afloat.

“The action is about becoming more committed, continues Strgar. “So nowadays that might mean more use of dating apps and maybe a tendency to carry on with what might have been a casual hookup.” So, does that mean that relationships born from the cuff are less meaningful than others? Strgar seems to think so. “Although it is now discussed as a new millennial invention, the yearning to couple is as old as the hills.  Winter forces us to internalize more, and then as we take stock of what we are doing and who we are doing it with — we question the meaning and relevance of our lives. This is always what drives people towards more relationship.”

When you’re single, anything is possible. 

With the weather turning cooler and the days becoming shorter, the idea of a girlfriend becomes more appealing than a fling. But while Oktoberfest-themed beer halls, tailgating and sports bars might result in a few romantic encounters, more and more relationships are beginning via the interwebs. Or by swiping through profiles, hoping to meet someone who not only catches your eye, but shares your unique interests and could potentially make it the the long haul. Being strategic about which dating apps you invest the little free time you have in is wise, especially if you’re hoping to be cuffed up before Halloween. Here are some dating websites and apps to get you started.


AskMen Recommends: What makes Bumble different from other dating apps is the challenges it presents to women to make their move. Here, you swipe like you would on any other dating app, like Tinder or Hinge, but once you make a connection with a woman, that pick-up line is taken out of your thumb’s to-do list and placed directly into her court. In fact, there is no way you can reach out to a lady on Bumble. It’s up to her completely if she wants to start a conversation. While this might be a frustrating aspect of the site itself, especially if you’re more of a type-A, go-getter, it does make those conversations that much more lustful, when you know she specifically selected you to chat with. You might also consider these women a tad more serious about getting into a relationship, making them the ideal pool for matches.


AskMen Recommends: Of all the dating websites and companies, Match arguably has the best, truest potential for creating a long-lasting love connection for you and a potential partner. Since Match doesn’t offer a free service, from the get-go, you know whoever you match with is definitely worth investing in, considering they’re spending their own money in the search for a soulmate. Here, you should be prepared to fill out a lengthy profile, complete with dozens of questions that help you attract someone with shared values and interests, and get down to typing. Messages are traditionally longer and more in-depth on this site, since users are willing to go the extra mile (and dime) to create a meaningful relationship.


AskMen Recommends: Do you travel frequently for your work? Though an international company is a big bonus for collecting passport stamps, it can be a real downer for your love life. Not only is constant jetsetting a recipe for disaster when building trust and rapport, but it makes it tough to develop a relationship that can grow quickly. One option for those who get out of town more than they stay in it is EliteSingles. Here, the dedication to finding a sweet connection is the same, while the database is much larger. As a prime site in more than 26 countries, they’ll offer you 3 to 7 matches — based on your preferences and answers — making it less work to find a partner. They also offer unique dating options if you’re struggling to find a subset that lights your particular fire, like single-parent dating, homosexual matching, Christian dating and more.

Adult Friend Finder

AskMen Recommends: Another trusted destination for singles looking to do more than just mingle, but make it tingle under the sheets. Here, you’ll build a profile, stating your own preferences and what you’re looking to get out of the experience. Then, you can browse through more than 300 million options to find someone else who shares your same appetite. Much like all adult websites circulating the web, you might be taken aback at first, but trust us when we say you’ll easily start talking with just the right amount of people.

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